Tuesday 25 March 2008

Fry The Planet

[Please support ODF by playing this video if you are in the UK.]

April 1st 2008 is Energy Wasting Day!

If you're wondering how you can take part, watch Dan Power turn up the heat as he tries to max out his carbon emissions on Energy Wasting Day.

His 4x4 is roaring, his lights are blazing, and his undercrackers might be minging but at least they're toastie warm. Burn baby, burn!

You wanna join him on his mission to fry planet earth? Then watch the vid and do your bit to promote climate change on April 1st.

As Dan the man says...'Polar Bears? Who cares?'



Anonymous said...

not funny and the April 1 date is a bit obvious

Unknown said...

well, it was just an ad, we're hoping to make a euro or 2 out of it